False Prophets
WITH the proliferation of false teachers and prophets on social media (especially Clubhouse), I feel a strong unction to warn the Body of Christ. Churches must be alerted, and pastors must protect their flocks. I recently had an unforgettable encounter with a well-known YouTube prophet. I watched my computer as atmosphere sizzled as his captivated audience shouted, “Prophesy,” upon witnessing amazing demonstrations of the word of knowledge, the word of wisdom, and deliverance from demonic bondage. After he requested online prayer needs, which would be brought before the throne of grace during a shut-in, I submitted mine and, to my surprise, I received a call from the prophet days later. Referring to me as a man of God, he said that the Holy Spirit had directed him to give me four warnings. The first warning involved a woman shrouded in darkness standing behind me with a knife. (This was nothing new. I’ve been stabbed in the back by the spirit of Jezebel ever since I exposed her in my autobiography, “A Step into Deliverance.”) https://a.co/d/aMR2jQO
The second warning involved a generational curse coming down the bloodline that needed to be canceled. The third involved a possible car accident within the family, and the fourth involved a potentially fatal stroke. Furthermore, according to him, the enemy would attempt to take my life within three days. I was instructed to fast from 6:00 a.m. to noon for two days and to order two bottles of Jerusalem oil from him for $300.00. Instructions would accompany the oil, and his team would intercede.
As the anointing welled up within my spirit, I personalized Isaiah 54:17, quoting it as follows: “No weapon formed against “me” shall prosper…” (a verse that every believer should have in their arsenal). I confidently declared that, as a priest, I was well able to protect my household and myself. I told him that he was right in calling me a man of God, and I began speaking sharp words against his prophecy (which was actually a curse).
As I stood up, I had an open vision. My chest cavity parted from my sternum down to my navel, revealing a vertical streak of lightning emerging from darkness and forming a horizontal sword. The vision closed, and the anointing increased as I spoke with greater boldness.
I told him that I had written a book titled “The Ministry of God’s Prophet,” with a chapter that details the six signs of a false prophet. Like Balaam, the Gentile prophet, who prostituted his prophetic gift for gain, I told him that he was heading down that same, narrow road of falsehood. There was resistance, but I stood my ground.
“What are you driving?” I asked. “A Benz or a Bentley? I’m driving a 2007 Buick with a cracked windshield. You should give me $300 and send me the oil for free,” I poked. “How much can you afford?” he sheepishly inquired . “Oh, stop it. Stop it!” I exclaimed before he hung up. Later, I received a text from him stating, “I prophesy, and it comes to pass. Disobedience to divine instructions lead to destruction.” Of course, he was blocked, and I slept like a newborn baby.
Below are the six spirits that one is turned over to before becoming a false prophet: 1) the spirit of mammon; 2) the spirit of error; 3) the spirit of lust; 4) the spirit of control; 5) the lying spirit; 6) the sinning spirit. Although it has become cliché to refer to someone as a false prophet on social media, the truth is that one cannot be false to God’s people without first being false to God. One or more of those six spirits enter the soul realm of the vessel with a defunct relationship with God, causing him or her to deviate from pure service, and the ministry or life becomes dark, defiled, and deceptive. God will warn relentlessly (He is exceedingly patient), but sadly, many will not heed the warning signs because “evil men and seducers will wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived” (II Timothy 3:13). From that perspective, everyone has the capacity to be false. That is why we all need to establish and maintain a close relationship with the Most High, walk in humility and holiness, ignore those who gloat over our gifts, and lower our guard when others correct us (in love) when we err.
The prophet mentioned “the Spirit” repeatedly throughout his discourse, and I returned with Paul’s statement in I Corinthians, “and I think that I have the Spirit also” (7:14). Nothing he said bore witness with my spirit, and instead of attaining financial gain, he received what the devil received from our Lord in the wilderness, “It is written…” (Matthew 4:4)!
While sharing the incident with a dear pastor the following week, the Lord corrected me and explained that He had indeed pointed out my name and prompted the prophet to call. He began with, Well done. He then said that the hour had come when the true prophets of God would confront the prophets of Baal and those who sat at Jezebel’s table. Even as Moses withstood the magicians of Egypt, God was preparing His servants for the great showdown—their rod versus our rod (Exodus 5). Some would receive private rebukes, while others would receive public ones. And as many who had used fear to terrorize His people—they would likewise know the terror of His wrath. It’s judgment time!
The Lord ended by describing those whom He would use for this show down. They would be sanctified and divinely appointed to display God’s anger (don’t try this on your own, zeal can be deceiving—God wants obedience; He is the one who chooses for such an assignment; (see Isaiah 13:3)). They wanted no applause, no fame, no recognition, or titles. They had no dog in the fight, no prejudice, no denominational dogma, or judgment of their own—they just wanted to do God’s will. These individuals would be supernaturally empowered for this epic battle against wolves in sheep clothing. Also, a word of caution: NEVER send a prophet a picture of yourself, your family, or any personal items so they can pray over them. Witchcraft is involved here. Beware!
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The Ministry of God’s Prophet is available on Amazon. Get your copy today by clicking the link: https://www.amazon.com/Ministry-Gods-Prophet-Scriptural-Prophetic/dp/1974022110 (Available in audio, ebook, paper and hardback)